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Đại học Hàng Hải
Tiêu đề:
Electric machines
Từ khóa/ Chủ đề:
Cơ điện tử Kỹ thuật điện Máy điện
Tóm tắt:
This new edition provides an excellent foundation to the theory of electromechanical devices with emphasis on rotating electric machines. The theory and applications of various machines are treated at appropriate places in the book. Extensive coverage on the systematic development of circuit model equivalent of both transformers and machines is given in the text. A number of solved examples and practice problems along with MATLAB examples are given in the book to facilitate problem solving skill
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Để tìm hiểu thêm, bạn đọc vui lòng liên hệ với Thư viện: Tổ Nghiệp vụ P. 213 nhà C6. Email: thuviendhhh@gmail.com.
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